Kakani Center for Development of Community-KCDC
We can't do it without you and yours support
KCDC is fighting against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC), trafficking, gender based violence (GBVs), caste based discrimination, exploitation, child labor, risky migration and modern slavery. KCDC is dedicated in our community for prevention of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC), trafficking, gender based violence (GBVs), caste based discrimination, exploitation, child labor, risky migration and modern slavery, poor children, survival girls and marginalized women in vulnerable communities and environment conservation in Nuwakot, Rasuwa, Dhading, Sindhupalchowk, Kathmandu and Lalitpur District and in other districts in Nepal.
KCDC welcome and request the International organizations, foundations and donors to work with KCDC in partnership for prevention of CSEC, trafficking, gender based violence (GBVs), caste based discrimination, exploitation, child labor, risky migration and end modern slavery. KCDC is dedicated in our community for prevention of CSEC, trafficking, gender based violence (GBVs), caste based discrimination, exploitation, child labor, risky migration and end modern slavery, capacity building and skill training, livelihood and income generation program and environment conservation program in vulnerable community in our program community in Nepal.
About KCDC
Kakani Center for Development of Community – KCDC is a non-political, not for profit, purely humanitarian, community relief, development, advocacy and survivors’ organization. It was created in 1993 and dedicated to working with poor children, deprived families and vulnerable communities to overcome poverty and injustice, fighting against commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) in adult entertainment sector (AES) and trafficking, risky migration and child labor elimination, end of modern slavery and gender based violence (GBVs) and caste discrimination. It was created in 1993.
KCDC serves all people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender. We are an agency of our Community Based Organizations (CBOs), 52 different – Women’s Savings and Credit Groups (WSCGs) and Women Entrepreneurs and Farmer Groups (WEFGs) and Private Voluntary Women’s Organizations (PWVOs) and in Nuwakot and are mandated to work on relief, health, nutrition, agriculture, financial education, entrepreneurship, girls trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) prevention, micro finance, drinking water, sanitation, agroforestry, food security, environment, climate change, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). KCDC is fighting against girls trafficking, CSEC, gender based violence (GBVs), modern slavery, racism, discrimination and poverty. KCDC is working on street children protection, help the children, and child education, sponsorship, risky migration prevention, end child labor, women empowerment, development and advocacy for free from hunger, poverty and free from modern slavery.
KCDC is a registered, regional and community based non-governmental, non-political, humanitarian and development service organization working in partnership with both local and international partners tackling poverty cases, responding to emergencies and disasters of any kind, promoting disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation (CCA), peace and justice and transforming conflict into opportunities for peace and development and human rights advocacy.
With the KCDC we make, we do to change our lives and the lives of those around us. We made the KCDC to believe that women and girls can become the change agents in communities to fight domestic violence and sex trafficking. We believed they have the courage, the remarkable commitment and the loving-kindness to do this. This gave birth to the KCDC in 1993. We started with a firm belief that giving women and girls the power to make their own choices to live lives free of abuse, violence and exploitation is an immense step forward. Those KCDC and its partners have the power to change their future and the future of other women and girls in their communities in the world.
In 25 years of KCDC, we mark our 25 years anniversary of KCDC in 2018. The first 25 years has been a fearless and passionate journey with a committed team – we are proud of our progress and humbled to have come so far since our humble beginnings in 1993. Over the years, our programs evolved, our knowledge expanded, our team grew and reached thousands of people. We have come a long way since training our first group of Operation Peace Makers and community women who are the facilitators of change in their communities. We realized our ambition of creating our own Safe Team, a place of refuge and hope for new beginnings for women and children. With our work and reach in Domestic Violence growing and expanding, we started getting calls on our helpline of missing children or young girls that have been trafficked. The true scale of children and young girls that went missing or being trafficked was astronomical. We couldn’t keep quiet. We stepped into the unknown waters, but we had the grit, spirit and courage and the work of Operation Red Alert began in 2019.
Braving the long and rocky foot tracks and walk paths, we travelled thousands of miles to reach the far hills and mountain parts of the country to educate families about the importance of protecting their children, women and communities from traffickers. Fast forward to the present, we have grown into one of community based pioneer NGOs KCDC focused on the prevention of sex trafficking, CSEC and Modern Slavery. Our days are long, the journey is hard. We deal with a lot of pain, grief and sorrow, and this grief sometimes sinks deep into our bones. It breaks us but makes us stronger, tougher and fiercer. We, at KCDC, are warriors and survivors. We have shown and proved that when a group of committed and passionate people come together, we can make a lasting difference.
From 1993 to 2023, KCDC has empowered thousands of children, women, families and communities to make transformative choices to live lives free from abuse, violence and sexual exploitation in Nuwakot, Rasuwa, Dhading and Sindhupalchowk district and Kathmandu and Lalitpur (Kathmandu Valley) in Nepal, in more than 600 locations across the nation of Nepal. It would not be possible without the support of our generous donors over the course of the last 30 years.
The fire within us is burning bright; a steady radiance of fearless, unstoppable and powerful glow. We know who we are and what needs to be done. We have done it before. We will do it again for the next decade and many more decades down the line. We will continue to plan, refine our thinking and build on our vision to give every woman and girl the choices to live a life free from abuse, violence and exploitation. We are determined to make it happen. Read about our journey in giving women and girls the choice to live a life free from violence and abuse in Nepal.

Our Partners